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image of Sign the Petition: Declare Our Energy Independence

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Sign the Petition: Declare Our Energy Independence

Are you wondering why energy prices seem to only go in one direction and that is up?! The Biden administration’s anti-energy policies are curbing domestic production, exposing U.S. markets to international instability, and hurting American’s pocketbooks.

There is one obvious way to fix these problems and that is by reversing course on Biden’s short-sighted and economically damaging war on American energy. The men and women who work in the U.S. coal, oil, and natural gas industries not only provide 80% of our daily energy needs, but also know how to extract, refine, and deliver our abundant energy resources to market via the safest and most efficient methods—to the benefit of our people and our planet!

It’s time for policymakers to unleash the U.S. energy industry. This will help the U.S. economy and hardworking American families.

Demand that the White House cease their war on U.S. energy and restore America’s innovative and environmentally-responsible energy sector. Sign the petition to make your voice heard.

Declare Our Energy Independence Petition

From Day One, the Biden White House has discouraged American energy investment and production, while also draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). This is causing financial hardship and creating a national security crisis. Did you know that the SPR, which was designed to ensure access to oil during any domestic crisis, is at its lowest level ever? Team Biden has been using it as a political lever to their high-cost energy policies. It means higher prices at the pump while also ,harming our allies abroad who are forced to rely on Putin for their energy needs.. It’s’ time for Team Bide to reverse course unleash the U.S. energy industry. We once again be a net energy exporter to the world to deprive Putin of the funding for his military, lower gas and other energy costs for us and Europe, and help the U.S. economy.

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