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image of Stand with Women in Nebraska 

Action Center

Stand with Women in Nebraska 

Right now, female spaces and sports are not protected in Nebraska! The Stand With Women Act ensures they are.

It codifies the definition of common sex-based terms, such as ‘female’ and ‘male,’ saves women’s sports, and protects single-sex spaces and opportunities, like rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters, prisons, athletic teams, and locker rooms. 

As Hannah Holtmeier, Independent Women ambassador, Westenbroek v. Kappa Kappa Gamma plaintiff, and senior at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, said at a press conference in support of the legislation, “It’s time to guarantee young girls and women like me have access to single-sex spaces and equal opportunities, from the locker room to our sororities. Nebraska has finally stepped up and decided to protect women with Independent Women’s Stand with Women legislation.”  

Send a message directly to your members, urging them to support the Stand with Women Act today.

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