In this interview, IWF’s Education Freedom Center Director Ginny Gentles, talks to Natalya Murakhver, co-founder of Restore Childhood, a national nonp...
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Every month, IWF releases a policy focus on issues affecting women and their families across the country. As valued members of IWN, we want to give yo...
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Thousands of union members will gather in Philadelphia next week to codify and celebrate the nation’s largest teachers union’s political agenda. Deleg...
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May Mailman, Director of Independent Women’s Law Center, Inez Feltscher Stepman, Senior Policy and Legal Analyst for Independent Women’s Law Center, a...
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Florida’s average starting salary for teachers is the highest in the Southeast and the 17th highest in the nation. The state has provided over $4 bill...
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Only one-third of Indiana's fourth graders and eighth graders can read proficiently, according to the 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress r...
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