Build a Better Country
Connect with other strong, smart, and independent women and fight for a better country.
Our Commitment
IWN aims to restore civility and common sense when discussing the issues affecting our lives today. Our platform brings together forward-thinking patriotic women and male IWN advocates, and gives them access to interesting articles, networking opportunities, and resources to fight for the causes they’re passionate about.
Empower yourself and those around you to fight for their rights as Americans.
Meet and form lasting bonds with interesting, passionate, and accomplished women.
Engage in informed, open, and civil debates where you can freely share your point of view.
Use our resources to make a positive difference in your community!
What Members Are Saying...
Carrie Lukas
IWN MemberI want my three daughters to grow up knowing they can speak their minds freely. A welcoming community like IWN can help make that happen.
Aundrea Amine
IWN MemberIWN provides exactly what I was longing for - a place to come together to be informed, to engage and to connect. IWN’s Resources, Debate Prep, and Must Reads are excellent resources for members. A couple of friends helped me start a chapter in deep-blue...
Dora Sutter
IWN MemberI realize there is soooo much that I do not know.. Nor do I know the issue or how to think around/about the issues!! I have a need to become more aware of what is going on around me... and the consequences of not doing...
Elizabeth Thelen
IWN MemberTiming is everything! IWN started at the perfect time for our Wisconsin group and nation. Be a Voice was already a group of amazing women focused on speaking up and not going to silence when hot political topics up. We are free and independent thinkers....