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Action Center

Action Center

Stand for Worker Freedom and Support Portable Benefits in Virginia

Send a message directly to your members, encouraging them to support SB 1276 and sharing your story of how flexible work has benefited you.

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Action Center

New Yorkers, Stand for Fairness and Equality

Independent Women sent over 3,000 letters to Mayor Eric Adams, urging him to reinstate Maud Maron to her elected school board seat after she was unfairly and abruptly banished. In a huge win for fairness and equality, Maud was restored to her position.   Now radicals are trying to unseat her again. We can’t let this […]

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Action Center

Don’t Allow Cruel & Unusual Punishment, New York!

Tell your leaders to stand with New York women and say NO to Senate Bill 1049

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Action Center

Xfinity, Stop Glorifying and Glamorizing “Gender-Transitioning”

Big business has the responsibility to stop glamorizing “gender-transitioning.” Send a message to Xfinity leadership and urge them to remove this harmful content from their streaming platforms.

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Action Center

Tell the LPGA, USGA & IGF: Keep Women’s Golf Female

In the world of sports, it is impossible to provide equal opportunities for both sexes without single-sex teams. Demand that the LPGA, USGA, and IGF stop discriminating against female golfers and establish rules to keep women’s golf female.

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Action Center

VICTORY! Mayor Eric Adams, Stand for Fairness and Equality

Independent Women’s Forum recently joined a coalition of ideologically diverse national women’s organizations to stand behind Manhattan Mom and former Democratic candidate for office Maud Maron after she was abruptly banished from her elected position on New York City’s Community Education Council for District 2 (CEC 2)—the city's largest parent council. 

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Freedom of Speech

Meta Oversight Board Comment Drive

Meta’s Oversight Board is currently reviewing decisions on controversial gender identity content. This is your opportunity to weigh in...

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Education/Parents Rights

Tell Congress to Support Parents Rights

Parents matter! They are important in every aspect of a child’s life. Yet today, government-run schools are determined to...

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Education/Parents Rights

Support Education Freedom in Florida

Florida parents, help is on the way in the form of an education policy that will expand the state’s...

Have an Issue? We’ve Got Your Back!

Is a local tax hike going to hurt your community? Are your school boards ignoring parents? Worried about tax enforcement of crime? IWN can make your voice heard, enlist additional support, and help you drive change!


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