We All Dodged a Bullet. Suspect’s Criminal History Dubbed ‘Quixotic.’ Gwen Walz. Little Greta Grows Up & More
Would it be execrable taste to say that the nation has dodged yet another bullet?…
Would it be execrable taste to say that the nation has dodged yet another bullet?…
A dangerous, unconstitutional, and anti-woman ballot initiative called “Prop 1” will be on New York ballots this November. Prop 1 would force female-only spaces and opportunities to include men, harm the safety and security of our communities, dissolve parent’s rights, and endanger senior rights. #NoOnProp1
Send a message to Congress to investigate how Planned Parenthood is misusing your taxpayer dollars and has become one of the country's largest suppliers of these hormones and other therapies that are destroying the healthy bodies of so many vulnerable young women and men.
Independent Women’s Forum recently joined a coalition of ideologically diverse national women’s organizations to stand behind Manhattan Mom and former Democratic candidate for office Maud Maron after she was abruptly banished from her elected position on New York City’s Community Education Council for District 2 (CEC 2)—the city's largest parent council.
America was built on the principles of free speech and a vibrant marketplace of ideas. Cancel culture and growing efforts to censor politically inconvenient viewpoints threaten this tradition and weaken our country. It’s time to stand up in defense of free speech and oppose cancel culture!
The Biden administration, despite claiming otherwise, is using Title IX to require schools to allow males who identify as women to compete on women’s sports teams and to receive athletic awards for females.
When sex-based words don’t have uniform, biological definitions, women pay the price. Urge your Members of Congress to stand with women!
The State Department should expand its au pair program, which currently is limited to child care, to include senior care to provide elderly Americans with an affordable in-home caregiving option.
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Asra Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who has covered everything from international terrorism to out-of-control local school boards, provides actionable advice on how to be an effective citizen journalist -- especially for parents who want to bring awareness to what's happening in their local schools.
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