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Urge Your Legislators to Support Worker Freedom!

The Biden Administration’s Department of Labor recently finalized a rule that launches a war on working women who depend on independent, flexible work. The rule makes it harder for self-employed workers to be classified as independent contractors. 

Who does this rule affect? It disproportionately affects women, career professionals, stay-at-home moms, seniors, students, those with disabilities, and those who rely on side hustles to supplement their income. It will be disastrous for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses nationwide. These are people who depend on flexibility.

We’ve seen in California through Assembly Bill (AB5) how restricting independent contracting has been devastating to self-employed people especially working women. According to new research, the California Assembly and Governor Gavin Newsom’s job-destroying law reduced self-employment and overall employment by 7 percentage points. Numerous stories show the impact of AB5 on workers in California. Take Marguerite Kusuhara, aka Mrs. Claus, for example. She is a caregiver for her husband and an entertainer based in California who faces unemployment because of AB5. Imagine the effects a nationwide AB5 would have on female workers. 

Send a message directly to your legislators urging them to repeal this harmful Department of Labor rule through the use of the Congressional Review Act. Together let’s support freedom, flexibility, and the ability to work as we choose. Feel free to personalize the message and share how independent contracting has benefited you.

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