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Dear Ben & Jerry’s, The Abenaki Want Their Land Back

In case you couldn’t hear me scoffing over in Northern Virginia, Vermont ice cream brand, Ben & Jerry’s tweeted this sanctimonious gem on Independ...

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Ben & Jerry’s Is Not The New Bud Light

Vermont based ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s tweeted this hypocritical and left wing fever dream on July 4th:

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President Biden’s 80 Is Not The Same As Harrison Ford’s 80

President Biden is 80. So is Harrison Ford.
It appears that 80 year olds are having a moment in the media. Between those who are desperate to make the...

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Someone Should Tell The British Prince That America Values Hard Work

When serial whiner Prince Harry moved to the United States in 2020, the First Amendment bewildered him.
While a guest on a podcast he said, ...

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The Reality of Free Speech at Princeton

At Princeton University’s May 30th commencement, the university’s president, Christopher L. Eisgruber, attempted to galvanize the Class of 2...

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Summer Break Reading Suggestions for Kids

My kids are two weeks into summer break, and we’ve been to the library three times. I instituted a new library rule this year – only three books per c...

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