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Christy Narsi
Christy Narsi
May 18, 2023 - 1 minute
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Chapter Spotlight

Bismarck, ND Chapter Leader Helps Usher Women’s Rights Forward in Letter to Members of Congress

IWN has stood behind the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act and now, two of our chapter leaders — Margo Knorr & Megan Burke — are standing up in an even more vocal way.

Both women, along with three members of our Denver chapter, signed a letter to Members of Congress supporting the U.S. passage of the Act.

As the letter states:

“Forcing female athletes, like ourselves, to compete against biological males is not only unfair, it is discriminatory and illegal. Allowing biological males to take awards, roster spots, scholarships, or spots at a school from female athletes violates Title IX’s prohibition of discrimination ‘on the basis of sex.’

The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act amends Title IX to make that explicitly clear and puts athletic organizations, athletic directors, and bureaucrats at the Department of Education on notice that they may not adopt policies that promote ‘inclusion’ on the backs of women.”

You can find the full letter here.

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