Sadie Elliott, IWN Kansas City, MO Chapter Member was recently published in Philanthropy Daily. In her opinion piece, Sadie gets honest about the inner workings that can cause beloved, long-standing organizations to find themselves in crisis.
“When I heard that my alma mater, The King’s College, might be closing its doors, I was devastated. Somehow, despite my disappointment, I was unfazed.”
Rather than watch her alma mater sink by way of leadership misinformed on best-practices for raising money, Sadie sprung into action, using her years of experience in donor development training for more than 350 leaders of K-12 schools.
“…I would suggest that all our problems are in fact people problems, and the solution is relational.” Sadie writes. From her laptop in a wine shop in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, along with 40 other alumni, she made a plan to raise $1 million in 1 week.