One of the most amazing things about Independent Women’s Network has been the people they have connected me with. One of those people was Julia Dvorak, of National School Choice Week (NSCW). Julia then connected me with China Gum, the woman who organized the NSCW Rally on the steps of the Idaho Capitol. Through China, I have had the opportunity to meet several lobbyists who are working with legislators to enact Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) for the students in the Gem State.
Without these connections, I wouldn’t have known where to begin in my effort to fund students, not systems. Now, I am getting ready to testify before various education committees to share my experiences as a teacher within traditional, private, charter, and home schools. I’ll be sharing why I feel so strongly about the need for ESAs.
China was quick to task me with organizing a school choice fair inside the Capitol Rotunda on the day of the NSCW Rally. It was amazing to see the variety of Idaho charter schools available. I also made a couple of connections that will benefit my own small business, Math with Mrs. Fish. Most importantly, I had the opportunity to meet with two Idaho Representatives and share with them information about ESAs that they were not aware of. I was also able to debunk a couple of myths they believed.
IWN helped get me to the best “ladder,” to a place where I could quickly have the most impact. I can’t wait to see what comes next!