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Do School Choice Programs Primarily Help The Wealthy?

It's one of the many misconceptions about school choice: do these programs only help the wealthy? Considering former U.S. Education Secretary Miguel C...

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Are You for BOTH School Choice AND Better Public Schools?

We all know that parents understand their children best. Parents deserve transparency from school employees and the opportunity to judge whether schoo...

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January Policy Focus: School Choice in the States

Every month, IWF releases a policy focus on issues affecting women and their families across the country. As valued members of IWN, we want to give yo...

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In 60 Seconds: Teachers Unions

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Teachers unions claim that they are acting in the best interests of American students by supporting teachers. In reality, however, te...

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Leading Lady | Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, Chapter Leader

Stephanie Lundquist-Arora has been pushing back on education indoctrination since the beginning of the pandemic, a reality many parents began waking u...

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How To: Navigate Your Child’s Education

Recently, I was asked by my alma mater, Regent University, to provide guidance for parents as they navigate their child’s academic journey. Here is wh...

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