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Oscar Pettiness in All Its Glory

Tom Cruise saved Hollywood, or so says Steven Spielberg.

Yet the "Top Gun: Maverick" star was a late no-show during Sunday's Oscar ceremony. Cruis...

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Are Harvey Weinstein Clones Still Running Around Hollywood?

The fall of mega-producer Harvey Weinstein in 2017 kick-started the MeToo movement.

Actresses vowed they wouldn't be silent any more, and the sec...

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‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Directors: Yes, We Emasculated the Male Heroes

"Star Wars" fans only got one last look at Han Solo in the recent franchise trilogy. Harrison Ford's beloved character died at the end of "Star Wars:...

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‘Cocaine Bear’ vs. ‘Jesus Revolution’ – And the Winner is…

Hollywood loves counter-programming to protect its investments.

If a Marvel blockbuster is on the schedule, a competing studio might uncork a rom-...

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Would We Accept a Male Talk Show Host Pulling a Joy Behar?

Actors know the promotional circuit can be brutal.

It comes with the territory, and the stars generally grin and bear it. It's not digging ditches...

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‘Ant Man’ Praises Fatherhood, ‘Devil’s Peak’ Curses It

Pop culture can throw us a curve ball now and then.

James Cameron's "Avatar: The Way of Water" is both a visual extravaganza and an ode to nuclear...

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