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Stop Government Bureaucrats From Taking Your Gas Stove

Did you know DC politicians and unelected bureaucrats are trying to ban gas stoves?

It’s true!

In recent years, radical green activists have been able to use powerful federal officials to jam through onerous, job and business-crushing regulations free from the democratic process. This ensures that the public has no say in regulatory decisions that do great harm to the American economy.

That’s precisely what’s occurring today with one much-loved kitchen appliance.

On December 21, 2022, Representative Don Beyer (D-VA) and a coalition of House and Senate Democrats sent a letter to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), which is an independent federal agency charged with reducing the unreasonable risk of injuries and deaths associated with consumer products. This agency can pull a product from the marketplace or issue recalls on products at will.

In the letter, the lawmakers claimed gas stoves exacerbate respiratory conditions and asthma in children. This claim was based on a deeply flawed study produced by a green activist organization laser-focused on undermining the natural gas industry worldwide. Based on this flimsy evidence, the lawmakers asked the CPSC to consider a wide range of regulatory moves to make buying a gas stove more difficult (and likely much more expensive) for consumers.

In response, CPSC member Richard Trumka Jr., said the agency would consider a ban on gas stoves.

It’s time to kick these guys out of our kitchens!

Use the form below to urge members of Congress to stop pushing for a ban or more costly regulations on gas stoves.


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