I’m sure you’ve seen the press, but Eventbrite is now under investigation. The House Energy & Commerce and Senate Commerce sent a bicameral letter...
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This week is a busy one on Capitol Hill and it's not over yet.
Ukrainian President Zelensky addressed the U.S. Congress via zoom on Wednesday, March 1...
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Is Biden's Build Back Better (Broke) Finally Broken?
Over the weekend, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) delivered the final blow to the faltering Biden Buil...
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Legislative Lowdown: Is this the week Biden's Tax and Spend Bill Passes the Congress?
There is a strong chance Speaker Pelosi is going to try and get ...
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One thing we can count on is that the fringy far left will always resort to name calling and bullying. They were at it again last night in ...
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President Biden consistently prides himself on speaking plainly and connecting with people. In his address to our nation recently, President Bide...
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