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Debate Prep: Ukraine Funding, Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse, and Republicans Defend IVF

Each week, IW's policy experts work together to craft talking points that help us deliver our messages as effectively as possible. IW spokeswomen use...

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Debate Prep: Possible Title IX Rule Drop, France Raises Terror Alert to Highest Level After Moscow Concert Hall Attack, and TikTok Bill Stalls in the Senate

Each week, IW's policy experts work together to craft talking points that help us deliver our messages as effectively as possible. IW spokeswomen use...

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Debate Prep: Anniversary of Congressional Passage of the ERA, Netanyahu’s Response to Schumer, and EPA Issues EV Mandate Final Rule

Each week, IW's policy experts work together to craft talking points that help us deliver our messages as effectively as possible. IW spokeswomen use...

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Debate Prep: Independent Contractors Rule, TikTok, and Sen. Tuberville’s Title IX Roundtable

Each week, IW's policy experts work together to craft talking points that help us deliver our messages as effectively as possible. IW spokeswomen use...

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March Policy Focus: Current State of Laws Governing Gender Transitions

Every month, IWF releases a policy focus on issues affecting women and their families across the country. As valued members of IWN, we want to give y...

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Debate Prep: State of the Union, the SCOTUS Decision Barring States From Removing Trump From the Ballot, and Congress Unveils the First Six Budget Bills With Looming Government Shutdown

Each week, IW's policy experts work together to craft talking points that help us deliver our messages as effectively as possible. IW spokeswomen use...

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