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How To Engage with Legislators and Public Officials

The United States Congress is composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. These are federal offices. As...

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How To: Submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request

Sadly, school administrators are becoming increasingly adversarial when it comes to parents asking for information about their child’s education. Whe...

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How To Write an Opinion Editorial (Op-Ed)

An opinion editorial can be written by anybody! It’s literally an article that expresses an opinion. If you have an opinion, you can write an editorial. But it’s important to follow a few rules and know how to get the op-ed placed for publication.

  1. Editors are most interested in something newsworthy locally or nationally. 
  2. Make your point concisely: the ideal length for an op-ed is typically 700 words or less. 
  3. We recommend following the TACT guidelines:
    • T: Thesis — What point are you making? 
    • A: Address misperceptions — Are you debunking any misperceptions that stand in readers’ way on this topic?
    • C: Citations — Are you citing factual material from trusted sources to back up your point? Are you providing links to this material?
    • T: Target audience — Are you considering a target audience and using the right language and tone to reach them?
  4. Submit for publication:
    • Generally a newspaper or magazine will list the way to submit your opinion editorial to the paper (it’s usually a general email address). Some larger papers employ “opinion editors” who decide what editorials the publication will accept and print but generally these editors receive submissions through a separate email address which is usually listed on the paper’s masthead. If it’s a small town newspaper, you might know the owner or editor. Definitely use your personal connections to help ascertain the best way to submit your article. 


Instagram: Be a Visual Storyteller

What Is Instagram (IG)?

Instagram (IG) is a photo and video sharing application (commonly called app for sho...

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Administrative Structure of Public Schools

Just who is in charge of the public schools?

Is it the school board, the superintendent, the principal...

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TikTok: Engage Nationally, Find Allies, Be Funny!

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a short-form video sharing social media platform with nearly 700 million active users a...

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