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Protect Our Children: Say NO To Prop 1: A Message from May Mailman

Prop 1 on New York November ballots is a massive loss for parents’ rights.
If you’ve heard about New York’s ballot initiative, Proposal 1, by now, yo...

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IWReads with Abigail Shrier – Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up

In virtually every way that can be measured, Gen Z’s mental health is worse than that of previous generations. Youth suicide rates are climbing, antid...

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Hollywood Kids in Danger: The Nickelodeon Documentary

I've been watching the new HBO documentary "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV." The film exposes the sinister adults working at Nickelodeon for y...

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A Book All Parents Must Read

When I first came out, it took me months to read Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage. I will never make that mistake again. I immediately purchased h...

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Is Biden Ready for His Closeup? Columnist: State of Union: Unhappy. Boots Underground. Why Is Tom Cotton Laughing? And More

Will President Biden flub tonight? Will he whisper or shout?
This is our nation’s first Morbid Curiosity SOTU. The state of the President will be more...

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A Beautiful & Heartbreaking Story of Life

It's never easy to hear about a life-limiting diagnosis for a child in the womb. But, there's something most people don't know about that could make a...

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