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Keep Your Kids Off TikTok

Ever since TikTok CEO Shou Chew's tense and disastrous Congressional testimony last month, I've been inundated with television ads touting TIkTok crea...

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Tick Tock, Tick Tock…Is TikTok’s Time Exploiting American Children Coming To An End?

TikTok is everywhere in D.C and not just on phones throughout the district.
Last week, TikTok's Chief Executive Shou Zi Chew testified before Congres...

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Billie Eilish Quits Social Media

In a 2021 interview with Howard Stern, singer-songwriter Billie Eilish declared that she quit watching porn (something she began doing as an 11 year o...

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The Company The PTA Keeps

The National Parent Teacher Association, aka the PTA*, likes to bill itself as "the largest child advocacy association in America".
The group claims ...

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Surgeon General Finally Catches Up: Keep Kids Off Social Media

It's been more than sixteen months since The Wall Street Journal revealed its investigative series, the facebook files, and exposed the social media c...

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Seattle Schools Suing Social Media Giants

On January 6th, Seattle Public Schools, the largest school district in Washington state, announced it is suing the parent companies of Facebook, Insta...

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