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We All Dodged a Bullet. Suspect’s Criminal History Dubbed ‘Quixotic.’ Gwen Walz. Little Greta Grows Up & More

Would it be execrable taste to say that the nation has dodged yet another bullet?
The Wall Street Journal puts this thought more tastefully in an edit...

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Mister Whiskers and the Immigration Crisis. Bubble Wrapped Columnists on the Debate. Reparations & More  

Welcome to Feline Friday.
Yes, it’s the cats of Springfield, Ohio, who skyrocketed to instant celebrity because of Donald Trump’s mentioning their all...

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It’s Debatable! Miranda Devine on Many Faces of Kamala. Undecided Voters. When Venezuelan Gangbangers Take Over a Town & More

Is the race for the White House over after Tuesday’s debate? That’s the question Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger asks this morning.

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Trump Took the Bait. Every Time. Nate Silver: But Are Voters Buying What Harris Is Selling? Swift & Her Cat Endorse Harris. Remember 9/11

Several of my conservative friends are replying to my emails by insisting that it wasn’t that bad.  
Meanwhile, the New York Post front page head...

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Kamala Speaks Tonight! Will the Debate Be Fair? Did Tim Walz Let Minneapolis Burn? Are Haitian Illegals Eating Our Cats & More

Finally. The Debate is tonight. The conventional wisdom is that it could determine the outcome of the election.
Bill McGurn of the Wall Street Journal...

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Looking Ahead to Debate. Report on Afghanistan Debacle. Unleashing Elon. Childless Dog Ladies & More

A specter is haunting tomorrow night’s rumble in Philly, according to Politico.
It’s none other than Tulsi Gabbard, 2020 Democratic presidential candi...

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