Denise Ceballos-Viner, Chapter Leader of IW’s El Capítulo de Phoenix, is one such remarkable woman. Denise’s chapter is IWN's first Spanish-speaking c...
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Would it be execrable taste to say that the nation has dodged yet another bullet?
The Wall Street Journal puts this thought more tastefully in an edit...
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Welcome to Feline Friday.
Yes, it’s the cats of Springfield, Ohio, who skyrocketed to instant celebrity because of Donald Trump’s mentioning their all...
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Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) has launched the Center for American Safety and Security (CASS). The Center will spark vital discussions on national s...
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If you’re a parent who's concerned about what’s happening in your school district, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is how you can access informa...
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Is the race for the White House over after Tuesday’s debate? That’s the question Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger asks this morning.
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