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Trump & Hostages. March BACK Through Our Institutions. Guess Who’s Voting for Tulsi Gabbard? And More

President Donald Trump has issued an ultimatum to Hamas: all hostages must be released by noon Saturday, or Trump will “let hell break out.” In CBS la...

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Leading Lady | Pamela McDonald, IWN Chapter Leader

Leading Ladies, an Independent Women’s Network initiative, showcases and honors women who make a significant impact in their communities and beyond. J...

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Balls Edition: Super Bowl. Musk Whiz Kid and the Word Joy Reed Can Only Spell. Monster Has Name & More

Scorecard: The Philadelphia Eagles routed the Kansas City Chiefs and President Trump trolled Taylor Swift. PJ Media sided with the President:

What a ...

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Congress Makes Elderly Members Miss Early Bird Special. Trump’s Youth Revolution. DeVos: Shut Down This Department. And More

Washington is very exciting lately.
Congress, for example, is so exciting that it just staged an all-nighter forcing elderly members to stay up well p...

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February Policy Focus: Artifical Intelligence: Boundless Opportunities Require Innovative, Adaptive Public Policies

Every month, IWF releases a policy focus on issues affecting women and their families across the country. As valued members of IWN, we want to give yo...

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Trade War: Who Blinked? Bureaucracy Fans Setting Hair on Fire. ‘Transgender’ Birth Certificates & More

Well, Well. Was Day One of the Trade Armageddon weird or what?
Let’s see: The President of Mexico made a deal with President Trump to delay tariffs, a...

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