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Who Is Worse? The Taliban Or Texas Republicans?

Who is worse? The Taliban or Texas Republicans? This was a serious question posed by The Daily Caller to Women's March attendees who were in Washingto...

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Talking Points Biden Zombies are Using to Defend the ‘Failure in Chief’s’ Afghanistan Debacle:

1. ‘But Trump.’ Because OF COURSE. Trump began the drawdown in early 2020 with a very specific timeline that did not include WITHDRAWING our troops be...

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Right now, there is so much darkness in the world, between a country still in the grips of a virus that seems politically convenient (to the Left) to ...

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The media has normalized smearing our servicemen.

Yesterday a few hours after the attack in Kabul Vice tweeted this:

First off, from a communications standpoint it's clear this was a piece of schedul...

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Women’s Rights Advocates Stay Silent on Taliban Brutality, But Take Time to Abuse Meghan McCain

Context: The Taliban has a hit list of known Christians they are targeting to pursue and kill—but they're also taking women and girls forcing them int...

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