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Debate Prep: Ukraine Funding, Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse, and Republicans Defend IVF

Each week, IW's policy experts work together to craft talking points that help us deliver our messages as effectively as possible. IW spokeswomen use...

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Battleground States in Focus. Will Trump Pick “Normie” Veep? “Southern Gentleman” Nathan Wade Skips Out on Child Support. What Went Wrong at Boeing?

The time has come, as the Walrus said, to talk of many things—like politics. Yes, we will delve into that sordid subject this morning.

Political g...

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Independent Women’s Network Arizona Chapters Issue Statement on State Lawmakers’ Walk Out of  Border Crisis Committee Hearing 

PHOENIX, AZ — Today, Independent Women’s Network (IWN) Arizona Chapters released a joint statement in response to Arizona Democratic party lawmakers,...

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The Key Bridge Calamity. Ronna Said To Be Looking for Lawyer. KJP Hangs Up in Reporter’s Face. DJT Hits on Ultimate Troll: He’s Selling Bibles! And More

The image of the Francis Scott Key Bridge crumbling so spectacularly after a cargo ship hit it early Tuesday morning is one that will stay with us fo...

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More Empty Phrases from The Left

Nothing epitomizes worthless phrases more than Barack Obama's 2008 campaign slogan, "Yes, we can." It was paired with that popular painting with the ...

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The Limitations of JRB’s FDR Fantasy. EV’s Dirty Little Secret. Trans Movement Seeks to Appropriate Holocaust Suffering. How Smart Is Don Lemon?

President Joe Biden quietly unveiled his budget last week and the sheer numbers have driven Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger to punctua...

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