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Whoopi Blames Trump for Lab Leak Dismissal

The "how low can you go?" trope gets a workout each week on "The View."
The long-running talk show, created to give women from different backgrounds a...

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Matt Taibbi’s Latest Twitter Files – How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In

It's that time again, ladies and gents … time for the latest Twitter Files. Matt Taibbi's newest installment looks at how Twitter basically opened the...

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Trump Blames Pro-Lifers for Midterm Losses and I Call BS!

Trump blamed pro-lifers for 'midterm losses.'
No, really.
I get it, he's running for president and doesn't want any of the blame for the losses the Re...

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Trump’s BIG Announcement is a BIG Ol’ Nothing Burger

Yesterday, Twitter was all a-flutter with Trump teasing the masses with a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT ... people wondering if he was going to run for Speaker o...

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Trump Announces Presidential Bid … Annnd So It Begins

Maybe I'm just a teensy TINY bit burned out after the long, drawn-out, ridiculous midterms (we won't know everything until DECEMBER), but I'm not read...

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Underreported Stories of November 15

It’s Tuesday, November 15, and these are the five underreported stories that you need to know.

1. Accu...

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