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Disney Seems Confused

It's now well documented that the Disney Company has an agenda. The company is creepily fixated on pushing sexuality (under the guise of inclusion) o...

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How Twitter Rigged the COVID Debate (a thread)

Another #TwitterFiles dropped this morning, this one about how Twitter worked to control the COVID debate. Not quite the #FauciFiles that we're all w...

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For the Love of Amoria

I have covered serious issues of our day from the Taliban to terrorism, but in my 30+ years of journalism, I have never worked on a more important case of life or death.

In an important investigation at Independent Women’s Network, we have uncovered a serious tragedy in the child welfare system: on Monday night, a 10-month-old baby girl, Amoria, was removed from the loving home of her father, Sean Jackson, and grandparents, Kimberly Jackson-Makle, and Carlos Makle, in Stafford, Va.

Please read the investigation by special education advocate Debra Tisler and me. Debra captures everything that is powerful about the parent who becomes the accidental activist.

Here is our investigation: “Fathering While Black.”

Here is a GoFundMe that friends of the family have organized to raise legal funds with the blessing of the family: For the Love of Amoria.

Stay tuned to our pages for developments. This tragedy will make you weep. Have you had an experience in the child welfare system? Please tell Debra and me. Contact us at [email protected].

We are investigating the serious system failure we are experiencing today in communities around the country, in a failure of child protection laws and “Child Find” laws that require children be identified if they seem vulnerable to disabilities.

And register for a membership at Independent Women’s Network to be a part of a movement of mama bears, papa bears and grandma and grandpa bears who make a difference in our communities.

Corey DeAngelis Debunks Anti-School-Choicer’s FAVORITE ‘Rural’ Talking Point

The anti-school-choice movement loves to exploit rural schools when making their argument against school choice. It's not FAAAAIR to push choice, esp...

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Leftist Demands White Liberal Women ‘Step Up’ and Tell ALL White Women to Vote as They’re Told

What IS it with 'progressive' men thinking it's at all ok or appropriate to talk about women this way? Or better yet, to talk to us this way?


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Ruh-Roh Democrats, White Suburban Women Are DONE With You

With less than a week to go until the midterms, the generic Congressional ballot poll via the Wall Street Journal favors Republicans by two.

BY ...

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