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Matt Taibbi’s Latest Twitter Files – How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In

It's that time again, ladies and gents … time for the latest Twitter Files. Matt Taibbi's newest installment looks at how Twitter basically opened the...

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How Twitter Rigged the COVID Debate (a thread)

Another #TwitterFiles dropped this morning, this one about how Twitter worked to control the COVID debate. Not quite the #FauciFiles that we're all wa...

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For the Love of Amoria

I have covered serious issues of our day from the Taliban to terrorism, but in my 30+ years of journalism, I have never worked on a more important case of life or death.

In an important investigation at Independent Women’s Network, we have uncovered a serious tragedy in the child welfare system: on Monday night, a 10-month-old baby girl, Amoria, was removed from the loving home of her father, Sean Jackson, and grandparents, Kimberly Jackson-Makle, and Carlos Makle, in Stafford, Va.

Please read the investigation by special education advocate Debra Tisler and me. Debra captures everything that is powerful about the parent who becomes the accidental activist.

Here is our investigation: “Fathering While Black.”

Here is a GoFundMe that friends of the family have organized to raise legal funds with the blessing of the family: For the Love of Amoria.

Stay tuned to our pages for developments. This tragedy will make you weep. Have you had an experience in the child welfare system? Please tell Debra and me. Contact us at [email protected].

We are investigating the serious system failure we are experiencing today in communities around the country, in a failure of child protection laws and “Child Find” laws that require children be identified if they seem vulnerable to disabilities.

And register for a membership at Independent Women’s Network to be a part of a movement of mama bears, papa bears and grandma and grandpa bears who make a difference in our communities.

Langley HS Students Fill Out a ‘Social Identity Wheel’

Fairfax County Public Schools has another “privilege” exercise on its hands.

A teacher in a Spanish 2 class at Langley High School taught a lesson on Thursday, Oct. 13, that had students self-identify their sexuality, gender, “Body Size/ Type, “Social Class” and “(Dis)Ability.”

Read the lesson plan to see the many ways that teachers and activists are getting lessons of critical race theory in schools. Independent Women’s Network obtained the documents from concerned parents.

Read and learn what they are teaching kids!

Do you think 14 year olds should disclose on a worksheet their sexuality? Why do you think this is happening? If your child got this exercise, what would you tell your young one?

Exclusive. Fairfax County awards $56,000 contract to its former equity officer

Read the details here of a new document obtained exclusively by Independent Women’s Network, as Fairfax County Public Schools debates a controversial new policy, “Truthful Education.”

Details from the contract:

  • On Aug. 5, 2022, Fairfax County Public Schools contract with Lisa Williams, to pay her $56,000 for “strategic coaching” and “guidance” of school board members from August 2022 through June 2023, on “issues related to organizational transformation” that “enhances engagement, coaching and leadership.”
  • “Objective 1” is headlined “Transformative Coaching.” The proposal notes that Fairfax County Public Schools “will identify a team of leaders to engage in coaching with Dr. Williams.”
  • The work is divided into three sections: “Onboarding,” “Dissecting theory of action” and “Positioning for strategic action,” with “pre-work,” coaching sessions and “post-work.”
  • The contract runs from July 8, 2022, through May 31, 2024. The proposal includes language that parents shared trying to decipher its wordiness.
  • Williams will get $4,000 per month for 11 months between August 2022 and June 2023, plus $12,000 for three sessions, at $4,000 per session, and $250 per hour for work at the request of Superintendent Michelle Reid.

The controversial new resolution is viewable at this link and readable in its entirety below.

New “Truthful Education” resolution:

Truthful Education in FCPS: Support for Educators and School-Based Administrators Resolution

Whereas, Fairfax County Public Schools and the community it serves are committed to provide an academically rigorous education that promotes a responsive, caring, and inclusive culture where all feel valued, supported, and hopeful;

Whereas, essential to that inclusive classroom culture is an education that is academically rigorous, positions students to be the leaders of their own learning, reflects all voices, and respects the need and desire of our students to know the truth about historic and systemic injustice;

Whereas, FCPS educators, school-based administrators and central office staff are developing curricular resources to meet our students’ needs and the high expectations of our community around our historic truths, representative literature, critical thinking, and social justice;

Whereas, recent events have caused many FCPS educators and school-based administrators to fear that implementing these necessary curricular improvements could lead to personal or professional harm; and

Whereas, in the Teacher and Administrator Performance evaluation protocol, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) requires teachers and administrators to demonstrate a commitment to equity, and provide instruction and classroom strategies that are culturally inclusive and foster responsive learning environments and high academic achievement for all students;

Whereas, it is the role of the Board and the Superintendent to support educators in carrying out the clear and important educational expectations of the VDOE and Fairfax County community that our students are critical thinkers and effective collaborators who acknowledge and understand diverse perspectives and cultures, essential goals of the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate;

Now, therefore, be it resolved the FCPS School Board commits to protect and support educators and school-based administrators in FCPS as they develop and implement antiracist, equity- and justice- based classroom resources and pedagogy that meet the high aspirations of each and every one of our students and of the Fairfax County community.

Being friends with lefties is… actually getting easier? Is hell freezing over?

We hear sooooo much about how Americans are sooooo divided and are assured that we're “more divided than ever before” that it's just become a commonl...

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