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How To Talk To Kids About… Electing The President And The Electoral College

Do your kids know that anyone who is born a citizen of the United States can grow up and become president? Yep, it’s true!
Yet, all ele...

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Move Over #TwitterFiles, Make Room for #GoogleFiles

The social media world has been watching as the #TwitterFiles are released bit-by-bit by Elon Musk and his chosen journalists on Twitter, but this fro...

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‘The View’s’ Joy Behar Hits a New, Shocking Low

Barbara Walters co-created "The View" in 1997 to let smart women debate the day's hottest issues.
The inspiration came from chatting with her 20-somet...

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Steps to Turn a Blue State RED

As a Virginian, MANY people stuck in blue states with little hope of flipping them red have been asking me over and over again how we did it. How we m...

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Flipping a Blue State RED (It Can Be Done!)

In 2020, here in Virginia, it became evident our state was in trouble. Serious trouble. BIG TIME serious horrible trouble.
Between Governor Ralph Nort...

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