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Why Aren’t Politicians Talking About This?

We all care about these issues. Let’s encourage leaders to care too.

The Hope Agenda encourages leaders to talk about and offer solutions on some of the most important issues that women, as well as Independents, Hispanics, and younger Americans, care deeply about and want addressed. 

This first part of the Hope Agenda is focused on five core issues: requiring real healthcare prices upfront, protecting free speech, guaranteeing parents school transparency, ensuring safe borders, and protecting women’s spaces, safety, and opportunities.  

The Hope Agenda includes five candidate commitments Americans can encourage candidates to sign to make sure they stand with us in advancing these policy solutions:

Patient Protection Commitment – supports true healthcare price transparency and affordability—implementation of which would drop our nation’s health care costs 40% and would benefit patients and businesses rather than private equity investors and the healthcare special interest groups.

Free Speech Commitment – promotes free speech and opposes cancel-culture and the psychological slavery it engenders.

Trust Through Transparency Commitment – commits to schools being transparent and pro-parent, returning schools to teaching academics and pathways to success, not ideology and victimhood.

Safe Borders Commitment – highlights the importance of securing borders to prevent economic, national security and public health issues in America, applying the same rules we have for entering the country via air to those coming by land.

Stand with Women Commitment – defines what a woman is and lets constituents know who is pro-woman, pro-science, and will fight for policies that prevent sex discrimination and preserve women’s rights, safety, and opportunities.

Help us share the Hope Agenda commitments on health care, safe borders, free speech, educational trust through transparency, and women’s rights will help elevate the importance of these policy issues to genuinely benefit women and all Americans.

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Have you or your loved ones been affected by gender ideology? With this extremism poisoning media, medical facilities and schools, it's likely you or ...

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Save Our Sports: Protect Single-Sex Athletic Opportunities

The Biden administration’s Department of Education has introduced a new rule requiring schools to allow biological males who identify as women to compete in women’s sports. 

This rule flips Title IX on its head, making it discriminatory for schools to exclude males from women’s teams unless they have developed detailed sport-specific eligibility rules that demonstrate the unfairness of male participation in that particular sport while “minimizing “harm” to trans-identified athletes. 

But what about the harm to female athletes? It is well known that males who have experienced puberty have  significant, lasting athletic advantages over females in almost every sport. That’s not debatable. That’s science. And women shouldn’t have to relitigate this point with respect to specific sports at every single high school and college across the country. 

Title IX guarantees equal athletic opportunity for both sexes. But every time a biological male takes a roster spot on a women’s team or takes the field in a woman’s sport, a female athlete loses an athletic opportunity.  That’s sex discrimination, and it violates Title IX.

It’s time to TAKE BACK TITLE IX. 

We have 30 DAYS to weigh in on the Biden administration’s Title IX sports rules. Don’t let inclusion come on the backs of female athletes. 

Fill out the form to easily submit a comment to urge the Biden administration not to limit women’s athletic opportunities but to keep women’s sports female.

Tell NY Assembly Members to OPPOSE AB 709–A—No Men in Women’s Prisons

The state of New York is currently considering legislation that would require state prisons to let male offenders reside in women’s facilities REGARDLESS of biological sex. This isn’t safe for incarcerated women.

New York’s Assembly Bill 709–A would automatically place inmates in the facility that corresponds with their “self-attested gender identity.” Worse, it would forbid correctional institutions from requesting documentation of ‘gender identity’ and would allow offenders to move between opposite-sex prisons at will without taking any action to transition medically.

The risks posed by AB 709–A should be obvious. In other states, allowing intact male offenders to reside in women’s prisons has resulted in sexual assaults of female inmates and pregnancies. 

For example, in California, an “inmate with a penis” sexually assaulted a female inmate in a women’s prison. In New Jersey, two female prisoners became pregnant by a male inmate who is housed in the women’s prison. 

We cannot allow this to continue. It’s anti-woman, and it’s dangerous. Tell NY Assembly Members to protect women and OPPOSE AB 709–A.

What Are Schools Hiding from Parents?

In Fairfax County, administrators and teachers are using “advisory” period, which used to be treated as a study hall, to provide divisive SEL lessons. The region’s assistant superintendent has just informed me that parents are not permitted to opt-out their children from these lessons.

Last week, I heard about a “white privilege” video and lesson (slides below) at our middle school during advisory period. In the video, non-white students discuss the ways in which they are victims of racism. Meanwhile the white student defines white privilege and says she feels guilty for having it.

The school’s principal is making parents, like me, jump through quite a few administrative hoops to attain access to the material to which they are exposing our children. Not only is the district in violation of the state’s Executive Order One, banning divisive concepts like CRT in K-12 education, but they are also violating the federal government’s Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment.

What is your child’s school hiding from you? Are they forthcoming with curriculum materials?

Tell Congress to Support Parents Rights

*UPDATE: On Friday, March 24th, the House passed the Parents Bill of Rights in a 213-208 vote. The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Parents matter! They are important in every aspect of a child’s life. Yet today, government-run schools are determined to disrupt the parent-child relationship and create barriers so that parents are left in the dark about what their children are exposed to in the classroom.

That doesn’t sit well with parents so it’s time to send these government officials a message: Parents have rights!

The Parents Bill of Rights Act (H.R. 5) was just introduced to protect parental involvement in all federally-funded K-12 schools. The bill confirms that parents should have the right to: 

  • Review their school’s curriculum, reading materials, and state academic standards.
  • Lawfully engage with their local school board and educators.
  • See a school’s budget and spending, including detailed information about revenues and expenditures.
  • Protect their child’s privacy.
  • Keep their child safe and be updated on any violent activity at school.

The bill is moving swiftly through the legislative process. Your voice matters in this conversation and legislators need to hear from parents now.  

Tell your legislators to support Parents Rights!

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