On August 15, 2022, the Fairfax County School Board sent communication to parents indicating that it intends to violate SB 739 and EO2.
The document ...
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For nearly two years, raging, frothy-mouthed, pro-mask BULLIES (aka Pro-Mask Karens) tried very hard to make the lives of normal, everyday citizens wh...
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This week I won't have to deal with my baby trying to rip the mask off my face throughout our whole flight home!! I am THRILLED!
On our last flight sh...
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This morning after dropping the kids off at school I saw something I wondered if I would ever see again during the last two years of lockdowns, restri...
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I'm honestly starting to lose count of the number of videos I've shared and written about when it comes to parents kicking butt and taking names acros...
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If you're curious how things are going in Virginia even after parents flipped the entire state red in the November election, look no further than what...
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