The Left is losing it.
Big time.
They simply can't wrap their head around what happened in Virginia, so they're desperately trying to find s...
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Following the Virginia election results, IWV’s Kelsey Bolar joined Fox News to discuss the impact of CRT/education in the Virginia governor’s race and...
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When Glenn Youngkin won the primary earlier this year I had very little faith that a Republican could make even a decent showing in Virginia, let alon...
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Last night during the second gubernatorial debate in Virginia, Terry McAuliffe said he did not believe parents should have any control over what is be...
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I know it's easy to feel like there is no winning for Republicans when you live in a blue-ish state but we've got to stop saying things like, 'We can'...
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Remember Kermit singing about how it wasn't easy being green?
Well, it's not easy being 'red'.
Especially when you live in a blue state that has lost ...
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