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Joy Behar’s Amy Coney Barrett LIE SO Awful Even SHE Corrected It

The View's Joy Behar says a lot of stupid stuff. Sorry, not sorry. And heck, if I'm being honest she wouldn't be Joy if she wasn't spouting out ridicu...

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Underreported Stories of November 28

It’s Monday, November 28, and these are the five underreported stories that you need to know. 


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Affirmative Action case at the Supreme Court

From Fox News:

The long-anticipated cases deal with the admissions policies of Harvard and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill....

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If You’re Happy About Roe Being Overturned, Thank a Pro-Abort (No, SERIOUSLY!)

In my many 'travels' on Twitter, I have figured out the best way to make anyone and everyone who is angry about Roe being overturned even angrier. Ful...

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I’m Not A Terrorist, Traitor, Extremist, White Nationalist/Supremacist, or Anything Else Lefties Keep Calling Me

A long time ago, before even Obama took office, people were able to just sort of disagree about things politically and move on. Oh sure, there were so...

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Underreported Stories of August 2

It’s Tuesday, August 2, and these are the five underreported stories that you need to know.

1. Departm...

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